2. Best Performers for the Month of November 2015

Best Performers for the Month of November 2015

Tr.G.Pethuraj, Inspector of Police, Serious Crime Squad, Madurai City and his team detected long pending and sensational murder for gain in E1 K.Pudur L&O PS Cr.No.317/2015 u/s 379, 364, 342, 397, 302 IPC which was pending for last 7 months. In this case one V.Karuppasamy of Mosakudi Village, Ramnad District was robbed and murdered in a Maruthi Omni Van which was stolen few days prior. Inspector assisted by his team arrested the two accused 1. Sadham Hussain, S/o. Kamalbava of Anna Nagar, Chennai and 2. Suresh, S/o. Raja, Melamadai, Madurai  and recovered the stolen property.

Serious Crime Team photo